Individuals in low-income households with disabilies did not receive any or enough legal help for 91% of their civil legal problems in the past year.
The 2022 Justice Gap Measurement Survey showed that 82% of low-income households with disabilities experienced at least one civil legal problem in the past year, and 48% experienced at least five. The most common types of problems related to consumer issues, health care, and income maintenance. Individuals from low-income households with disabilities sought legal help for 25% of the problems that substantially affected them.
Scroll down for key findings related to low-income households with a member who has a disability or cares for someone who does.

10.7 million people with a disability have household incomes below 125% of poverty.
Data source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, 2020 5-year estimates, S1703: Selected Characteristics of People At Specified Levels Of Poverty In The Past 12 Months.
82% of low-income households with a disability had at least 1 civil legal problem in the past year.
48% had 5+ problems in past year.
27% had 10+ problems in past year.
Common problem areas:
Consumer Issues (58%)
Health care (48%)
Income maintenance (40%)
n = 1,252 households with at least one member who has a disability or cares for someone who does.
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
Sought legal help for 25% of substantial problems.
Did not receive any or enough legal help for 91% of substantial problems.
n = 2,029 substantial problems
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
At or below 125% of FPL (n=1,252):
- 46% are confident they could find and afford a lawyer if they needed one to help resolve a serious civil legal problem.
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
Between 125% and 400% of FPL (n=1,197):
- 58% are confident.
At or above 400% of FPL (n=326):
- 67% are confident.
Additional Information about People with Disabilities
Ruth: SSI Benefits for a Disabled Child
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