Gretchen is a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). LSC grantee Neighborhood Legal Services Program of the District of Columbia provided her much-needed legal help.
Most low-income veterans do not get all the legal help they need.
Low-income veteran households did not receive any or enough legal help for 84% of their civil legal problems in the past year.
The 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey showed that 76% of low-income veteran households experienced at least one civil legal problem in the past year, and 44% experienced at least five. The most common problems related to consumer issues, health care, and income maintenance. Individuals from low-income households with veterans sought legal help for 34% of the problems that substantially affected them.
Scroll down for an infographic summarizing key findings related to low-income veteran households or download a PDF of the infographic.

1.6 million veterans have household incomes below 125% of poverty.
Data source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2019 American Community Survey.
76% of low-income veterans households had at least 1 civil legal problem in the past year.
44% had 5+ problems in past year.
27% had 10+ problems in past year.
Common problem areas:
Consumer Issues (53%)
Health care (46%)
Income maintenance (41%)
n = 242 veteran households
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
Sought legal help for 34% of substantial problems.
Did not receive any or enough legal help for 84% of substantial problems.
n = 366 substantial problems
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
At or below 125% of FPL (n=242):
- 51% are confident they could find and afford a lawyer if they needed one to help resolve a serious civil legal problem.
Between 125% and 400% of FPL (n=416):
- 69% are confident.
At or above 400% of FPL (n=174)*:
- 76% are confident.
* Small base size
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
In 2021, LSC-funded organizations provided legal help to 36,000 veteran households.
Data source: Preliminary analysis of LSC’s 2021 Grantee Activity Report (GAR) data.
Additional Information about Veterans
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