Low-income households with children did not receive any or enough legal help for 90% of their civil legal problems in the past year.
The 2022 Justice Gap Measurement Survey showed that 83% of low-income households with children under 18 years old experienced at least one civil legal problem in the past year, and 52% experienced at least five. The most common types of problems related to consumer issues, education, and health care. Individuals from low-income households with children sought legal help for 24% of the problems that substantially affected them.
Scroll down for key findings related to low-income households with children or download a PDF infographic.

15.2 million children live in households with incomes below 125% of poverty.
Data source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
83% of low-income households with children had at least 1 civil legal problem in the past year.
52% had 5+ problems in past year.
30% had 10+ problems in past year.
Common problem areas:
Consumer Issues (62%)
Education (45%)*
Health care (44%)
* Among those households with students
n = 889 households with children
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
Sought legal help for 24% of substantial problems.
Did not receive any or enough legal help for 90% of substantial problems.
n = 1,500 substantial problems
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
At or below 125% of FPL (n=889):
- 40% are confident they could find and afford a lawyer if they needed one to help resolve a serious civil legal problem.
Between 125% and 400% of FPL (n=918):
- 53% are confident.
At or above 400% of FPL (n=252):
- 70% are confident.
Data source: 2021 Justice Gap Measurement Survey.
In 2021, LSC-funded organizations served households that included more than 730,000 children combined.
Data source: Preliminary analysis of LSC’s 2021 Grantee Activity Report (GAR) data.
Additional Information about Households with Children
Christina’s Story
Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago Today, Christina and her children are thriving.